Let's get your CRM monthly payment organised so we can get your CRM setup so you can take your business to the next level.

Choose the package you already specified in the client profile form (your choice whether you go monthly or per annum).


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Included in your CRM package is your Dedicated Mobile number AND a healthy monthly email send quota.

To keep our packages with lean competitive pricing we have the SMS and call rates on a PAYG (pay as you go) rate, your account card will be charged on a PAYG monthly basis, see the low usage examples below.


Dedicated Business Mobile:
US$6.00 monthly fee included

Email Marketing:
20,000 emails per month included

PAYG (Pay AS You Go)*

SMS Marketing/2 Way Messaging:
PAYG (pay as you go) SMS Credits: US$0.08 cents per segment
US$5.00 = 62 SMS

PAYG (Pay As You Go)*

Making Calls:
PAYG (pay as you go) US$0.091 / min
US$5.00 = 55 minutes

Receiving Calls:
PAYG (pay as you go) US$0.0595 / min
US$5.00 = 84 minutes

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